For the contact phone number you may enter a DSN, a commercial or a cell phone number. Please be as specific as possible when describing your event.
Note reoccurring dates in the Event/Program Details section; specify if the event occurs daily, weekly or monthly.
Not an FSS Facility?
Marketing/Sponsorship Requests are for FSS facilities only.
Required fields are marked with *.
82 FSS Marketing requires A MINIMUM of TEN business days to process. Any request that has a turnaround date of less than 10 business days must have flight chief approval. To submit a rush order click on the "Submit Marketing Request Ticket" button on the homepage Then, select "Rush Order" on the "Please choose your facility or most applicable" page.
Requests must be received four (4) days prior to the requested run date but not more than thirty (30) days prior to aid in the prioritization process. Requests received on non-business days or after normal duty hours will be processed on the following duty day. Items on marquees will be displayed for a reasonable amount of time if not in conflict with other requests. An attempt to show all desired messages will be made, but conflicts can arise, and some messages may not be posted. Office hours are generally 8-4 Mon-Fri. Please call if you have questions. If you choose to build your own slide, please make it a PDF 10.667in x 5.979in (1024 x 574 pixels) and attach it to your ticket. We may have to modify messages for proper display.